Since 2015, Washington University School of Medicine, BJC, Cortex, and the University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy have emphasized coordinated traffic and mobility planning for the Washington University Medical Center district and surrounding neighborhoods. The objective is to develop recommendations for effective transportation solutions that support the growth of the campus.
Project recommendations that have been implemented include the widening of Newstead Ave, enhancements to the Central West End MetroLink Station, and various pedestrian crosswalks and safety improvements. Improvements to Barnes-Jewish Plaza are currently under construction as part of the Campus Renewal project. Projects in planning include new traffic signals on Taylor Ave and on Vandeventer Ave, an off-street bicycle pathway connecting Cortex with Tower Grove Park (Tower Grove Connector), and street improvements along Clayton Ave in conjunction with the Brickline Greenway. These projects aim to provide people with more transportation choices for traveling to the district.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on campus mobility and parking continues to be evaluated to inform future planning. The goal is to foster a transportation system that effectively serves the diverse needs of the WUMC district and surrounding neighborhoods.
For additional information, contact Lauren Leonard, Sr. Project Manager, at